08:00 - 16:00

Opening Hour Mon - Sat

+387 51 745 632

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Front door

They offer benefits in reducing costs, both when shopping and throughout their lifetime. The latest PVC profiles are extremely resistant to weather conditions and sunlight.


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Garage door

Home protection is implemented through additional security of easily accessible windows and doors. Burglars very quickly find an easier target when it is not possible to open the window with a lever in a few seconds.


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Glass and alu fances

Aluminum fences are systems of aluminum profiles and connecting elements, the combination of which we obtain various shapes that are also functional.


Montage - with quality staff it is not a nightmare

Depending on the size of your replacement or new installation project, a lot could be done before and on the day of assembly. Removing all decorative items in the house, access to a new facility or construction site and confirmation of the date and time of installation are only one from ways you can avoid the extra hassle and make sure the assembly runs as smoothly as possible.

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Consultations - friendly staff is the basis for an agreement.

You do not have to go through the process of replacing or ordering a new window yourself. Delta Star has a variety of replacement and ordering experts at its disposal who can create your perfect replacement procedures, each of them is there to provide you with guidance, answers to questions, prepare an offer, weigh your new windows and doors, and execute order. They will also help you start the agreement and order process.

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Economic and energy cost-effectiveness

Based on their longevity, of a minimum of 50 years, PVC windows and doors are a great investment in maintaining the value of the property. The function of multilayer thermal insulation glass is to reduce heat exchange between two spaces. The number of seals directly affects the penetration of cold, drafts, dust, moisture and noise. Our profiles have special chambers for quality optimization and additional thermal insulation. Modern profile design can be individualized and adapted to each architectural solution.

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